What is your position on assigning grades based on a curve

1. What is your position on assigning grades based on a curve (a relative scale)? Explain and defend your position.

( 1 paragraph and 1 credible for this discussion)

2. Clinical performance evaluation is subjective and involves the judgments of the evaluator. It is filtered by the evaluator’s perspective, values, and biases. With this in mind, select three clinical evaluation strategies that you believe are fair and accurate in order to measure student learning, and determine their competency and safety in the clinical setting. Explain your rationale for why you selected each of the strategies, and how they align with your personal philosophy of teaching. Make sure the strategies that you selected include ways to evaluate students cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains of learning.

( 1.5 paragraph and 1 credible for this discussion)

3. Describe a clinical situation in which a registered nurse may encounter moral distress. Answer the AACN’s Four A’s found on page 84 in your Butts and Rich textbook to further explain the situation and the possible mitigation strategies. please read below. ( 2 paragraph and 1 credible for this discussion)

Moral distress is a critical, frequently ignored, problem in health care work environments. Unaddressed it restricts nurses’ ability to provide optimal patient care and to find job satisfaction. AACN asserts that every nurse and every employer are responsible for implementing programs to address and mitigate the harmful effects of moral distress in the pursuit of creating a healthy work environment. (p. 1)

Four years earlier the AACN ethics work group developed a call-to-action plan titled The Four A’s to Rise Above Moral Distress (2004). Nurses use the Four A’s plan as a guide to identify and analyze moral distress:

  • Ask appropriate questions to become aware that moral distress is present.
  • Affirm your distress and commitment to take care of yourself and address moral distress.
  • Assess sources of your moral distress to prepare for an action plan.
  • Act to implement strategies for changes to preserve your integrity and authenticity.

Preventing moral distress requires nurses to recognize the at-risk dynamics and issues. An environment of good communication and respect for others is essential for decreasing the likelihood of experiencing moral distress.

4. Describe different ways that social media use can violate ethical nursing practices. How can ethical social media use be beneficial to health care professionals and their patients? ( 1.5 paragraph and 1 credible for this discussion)