How do scientists and interpretive scholars differ in their answers to the question What is truth? Which perspective do you find more satisfying?

Glenn Sparks’ and Marty Medhurst’s

1. Compare Glenn Sparks’ and Marty Medhurst’s approaches to the Clydesdale
commercial. Which analysis makes the most sense to you? Why?

How do scientists and interpretive scholars differ in their answers to the question What is truth? Which perspective do you find more satisfying?

3. How do you account for the wide-ranging diversity among types of interpretive
theories (
rhetorical, critical, humanistic, postmodern, etc.) compared to the rela
tive uniformity of objective theories?

Think of the communication classes you’ve taken. Did an objective or interpretive
orientation undergird each course? Was this due more to the nature of the

subject matter or to the professor’s point of view?