What themes are most common in García Márquez’s imagination as a writer? How is the Caribbean portrayed in the work of Gabriel García Márquez? What vision of Latin American history is portrayed in García Márquez’s work?

Wharch the following video then come up with a paper.

Your compositions should be a minimum of 250-300 words long and include the following:

A. Times New Roman 12-point font

B. Supporting examples, with direct quotations from the text, documented in parenthetical notes, or references to the films

C. Conclusions based on your analysis

D. Secondary sources must be properly documented.

  1. Gabriel García Márquez

In what way are the life of García Márquez and his creation of Macondo related? What events from Colombian history does he recreate in his work? What were the circumstances that influenced his journalism and his career as a writer of fiction? How is this manifested in his work? When and how does García Márquez break with the limits of traditional realism?

What themes are most common in García Márquez’s imagination as a writer? How is the Caribbean portrayed in the work of Gabriel García Márquez? What vision of Latin American history is portrayed in García Márquez’s work?