Briefly explain how you worked to keep a neutral point of view in writing your page and where you had to keep your biases in check. It is OK to use notes for this section of the video, but do not write out full sentences/paragraphs in advance that you then read on the video.

  1. Present your finished Wikipedia page to the viewer. Do not read the page as part of your presentation. Instead, explain to the viewer how you completed the project.
    1. Highlight sections of the page that you are particularly proud of, and explain why you think they work well.
    2. Highlight sections of the page that you think need more work or attention, and explain why they need improvement. Note: ALL written work needs improvement. Don’t pretend that everything is perfect here in hopes of boosting your Wikipedia page grade!
    3. Show the viewer the specific sections of your sources that you used in the Wikipedia page. (Have your sources open in separate tabs before you begin the video to streamline this process.) Explain why you chose those sections and ignored others.
    4. Show the viewer work from your prewriting assignments that helped you to create the final page. Explain how you used feedback from those assignments in the final page. (Have your completed prewriting assignments open in separate tabs before you begin the video to streamline this process.)
    5. Briefly explain how you worked to keep a neutral point of view in writing your page and where you had to keep your biases in check. It is OK to use notes for this section of the video, but do not write out full sentences/paragraphs in advance that you then read on the video.