Based upon the information displayed on the map as well as what you have learned in this class, identify the type of plate boundary located off the west coast of South America.

Part 1

Question 1 (3 points)

1, 2. When you open the map, the Tectonic Plates layer should be visible.  Go to the ‘South America’ Bookmark (the bookmarks are available on the top, right side of the map).


Based upon the information displayed on the map as well as what you have learned in this class, identify the type of plate boundary located off the west coast of South America. (3 points)


Question 1 options:




Divergent Plate Boundary





Transform Plate Boundary





Convergent Plate Boundary


Question 2 (3 points)

  1. In your OWN WORDS, explain what is happening along this type of plate boundary. How are the plates moving relative to one another and why is this happening? (3 points).


Question 2 options:

Question 3 (4 points)

  1. Turn on both the ‘All Global Earthquakes’ and ‘Major Global Earthquakes’ layers on the map. The ‘Major Global Earthquakes’ layer has been filtered so that only earthquakes with a magnitude of 6 or greater are visible on the map.


Describe the pattern of all earthquakes in South America.  Are the earthquakes concentrated in a particular part of the continent?  Explain why this may be the case. (4 points)


Question 3 options:

Question 4 (4 points)

  1. Compare the frequency of major earthquakes to all earthquakes in South America. Briefly explain why there is a difference in the number of earthquakes in each category (major earthquakes vs. all earthquakes). (4 points)


Question 4 options:

Question 5 (2 points)

  1. Based upon the information visible on the map, identify one South American country you should visit in order to study the impact of major earthquakes. (2 points)


Question 5 options:

Question 6 (2 points)

  1. Turn off both earthquake layers and turn on the ‘World Volcanoes’ layer. Click on the ‘Legend’ tab so that you can see what the different colored diamonds represent on the map. According to the information on the map, identify the type of volcano that predominates in South America. (2 points)


Question 6 options:

Question 7 (4 points)

  1. Turn off all the layers. Turn on the ‘Population Density’, ‘South America Regions’, and ‘World Volcanoes’ layers. The three regions represented on the South America Regions layer are Western South America, Interior of South America, and Eastern South America. Click on the Legend tab to see what colors represent the different amounts of population density.


Describe how the population density for western South America compares to the other two regions. (4 points)


Question 7 options:

Question 8 (4 points)

  1. Briefly explain how the presence of volcanic activity in South America could appear to influence the population density. In other words, has the presence of tectonic activity in western South America encouraged or discouraged settlement? What are some possible reasons why there are a lot of people living in a volcanically active region?  Keep in mind that most volcanoes are not continuously active.  Also keep in mind that there may be some economic benefits to living in an area with a long history of volcanic activity. (4 points)


Question 8 options:

Part 2

Question 9 (3 points)

1, 2. Go to the Convergent Plate Boundary. Turn off all the layers on the map.  Turn on the ‘Tectonic Plates’ layer.


Based upon the information displayed on the map as well as what you have learned in this class, identify the type of plate boundary that runs through the island of Iceland. (3 points)


Question 9 options:




Divergent Plate Boundary





Transform Plate Boundary





Convergent Plate Boundary


Question 10 (3 points)

  1. In your OWN WORDS, explain what is happening along this type of plate boundary. (3 points)


Question 10 options:

Question 11 (4 points)

  1. Turn on both the ‘Major Global Earthquakes’ and ‘All Global Earthquakes’ layers. Describe the relationship between the distribution of earthquakes and the location of the tectonic plate boundary in the North Atlantic. Your description should address the severity of the earthquakes that occurred in this part of the world. (4 points)


Question 11 options:

Question 12 (3 points)

  1. Explain a possible reason for why there is a difference in the intensity of earthquakes in western South America compared to the North Atlantic. (3 points)


Question 12 options:

Question 13 (3 points)

  1. Turn off both of the earthquake layers and turn on the ‘World Volcanoes’ layer. Describe the relationship between the distribution of volcanic activity and the location of the tectonic plate in the North Atlantic. (3 points)


Question 13 options:

Question 14 (4 points)

  1. Turn off all the layers. Turn on the ‘Population Density’ and ‘North Atlantic Regions’ layers. The three regions represented on the North Atlantic Regions layer are West of Iceland, Iceland, and East of Iceland. Describe how the population density of the island of Iceland compares to the regions to the east and west of the island. (4 points)


Question 14 options:

Question 15 (4 points)

  1. Is the presence of tectonic activity (both earthquakes and volcanoes) the only factor that explains population densities in the North Atlantic region? Please explain your response. (4 points)