Write a analyses about the short story “King of the Bingo Game

King of the Bingo Game

Write a analyses about the short story “King of the Bingo Game“. The requirements are
1) Read the text twice before you attempt to write about it.
2) Tell me something interesting about the text. What strikes you? What is the tension/problem in the text? This is your perspective. Organizing your paper around a central theme will make this process easier as well. Not looking for a collection of unrelated opinions. You need an idea to ground the paper. This is an argument. This is a thesis.
3) Summaries are not analyses. Also, walking the reader through the story is not analysis. Introduce plot information only when it is pertinent. I’m looking for a critical response to an issue, theme, or idea in the text.
4) I am only interested in what you have to say about these texts. Please do not use the ideas of others without the proper documentation. Do not plagiarize. There is no need to consult outside sources to complete this paper. You will receive a zero and will not be given another opportunity to write this paper.
5) Your textual evidence comes from the text itself. You should be quoting directly from it. Make sure that all direct quotes are properly introduced.
6) 3 pages max
7) Please submit your paper to Turnitin
8) You cannot email me the paper. It must be uploaded to Turnitin to receive credit.
9) You will incur a penalty if you turn your paper in late.