What are the top three early activities that help build resilience to Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia later in life?

Some Sample TOPICS people have selected (these are just examples, you SHOULD NOT JUST CHOOSE THEM)

1) What are the top three early activities that help build resilience to Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia later in life?

2) What are the top three factors that predict who experiences a Quarter or Midlife Crisis?

3) What are the two top predictors of who retires well?

4) Why are the factors linked to why, on average, religious people experience greater quality of life than non-religious people?

5) Does learning Spanish help lessen the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease?

6) Which state is the best (quality of life) to die in?

7) What socioeconomic factors (income, education, or job prestige) are linked to happiness in later life)?

Make sure your topic is NOT TOO BROAD–like what is Alzheimer’s Disease? or why do people die?

This discussion will be the jumping point to get at your interests. Check out the syllabus for more details on the paper requirements and due date.