Part 1: Argument Essay Instructions
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• Include an MLA formatted works cite page.
o Insert a page break at the end of your document. For instructions on
inserting a page break in Microsoft Word, see the Insert a Page Break
o Center “Works Cited” (without quotation marks) at the top of the page.
§ Enter the works cited in alphabetical order and MLA format.
Part 2: Dear Reader Letter
1. Write a 100–150 word Argument Essay “Dear Reader” Letter and include it on the
first page of your Argument Essay: Draft document, before the beginning of your
Argument essay.
2. In your letter, provide a brief description or summary of your Argument Essay,
including the overall argument you are making about your topic.
3. Then, answer the following questions in paragraph form:
a. Describe your process of writing this paper. How did you approach
brainstorming, drafting, revising, etc.?
b. What did you learn (about the work of writing, about yourself as a writer)
as a result of the work you did on this draft?
c. What are your draft’s strengths?
d. What are your draft’s weaknesses?
e. What questions or concerns do you want your readers to address as they
review your paper?