In groups of three to four students, create a graph similar to van Langrens using the class estimates for the distance from the chosen city A to chosen city B.

As a class, choose two cities near your college or university that you would like to estimate the miles between. Then, have everyone in the class write their estimate between the two cities on a piece of paper (rounding to the nearest tenth of a mile) along with their name. Have one or two students write all the estimates on the board as students call out their guesses.

(a) In groups of three to four students, create a graph similar to van Langrens using the class estimates for the distance from the chosen city A to chosen city B.

(b) Then combine pairs of the groups (total of six to eight students) and discuss each groups graph. What are the similarities between the two graphs? Are there any differences? What does the spread of data points look like on each graph?