Discuss the role of present technology and its Impact on the Leanness of E-Procurement Processes.

Below are the list of companies available which you need to select as a group activity and attempt the critical questions mentioned below.

1. Almarai

2. Alibaba

3. Walmart

4. Dell Technologies

5. Pfizer

6. PepsiCo

7. Toyota Motors

8. DHL

9. Saudi Aramco


Critical Question(s)

Ques1Looking ahead to 2023 and beyond, what does the future hold for the supply chain? (3Marks)

Ques2Discuss the role of present technology and its Impact on the Leanness of EProcurement Processes. (3 Marks)

Ques3Examine and Outline the major issues being faced by supply chain manager(s) and how it affects the company they work for. (3 Marks)
Ques4 Information technology offers many valuable capabilities to the enterprise, especially in EAuction / Negotiation, Discuss. (3 Marks)
As an expert discuss, how supply chain experts should focus their attention this year to improve the overall supply chain? (3 Marks)