Foundation Health Information Technology Discussion
Pick only ONE of the following topics/questions. Investigate and write a brief paragraph to be posted in this thread. Be sure to cite any references from web or digital libraries (e.g., ACM, IEEE).
- What is a standards body? What are the other players (e.g.: SNOMED, IHE)
- The importance of HL7: e.g.: all the vendors are members, even when it was a paid membership. A reputable standards body. It is international, not just US.
- The evolution of HL7 formats: HL7v2 (the different versions), HL7v3, FHIR
- Healthcare runs on HL7: from ADTs to Labs. Give an example and discuss about it.
- What HL7 is not: e.g.: Security
- What is CDA and how is it related to HL7?
- What about HL7 and the government (e.g.: ONC), HL7 and testing bodies (e.g.: HIMSS, ICS Lab)?