How much should the client expect to leave to her heirs?  Construct a histogram displaying the distribution of expected inheritance for the recommended withdrawal amount.

Strategic entrepreneurship

Present entrepreneurial ecosystem becomes more complex as a result of distorted supply chain due to pandemic and Ukraine war. In addition, measures to tackle the challenges of climate change have generated new challenges and entrepreneurial opportunities in a circular economic process. Firms will sustain in the long run if they can adapt in the circular economic system. Assume that you are a new young entrepreneur in toy (or electronics) industry. In this context, use dynamic capability theory to redefine your business model. You can take necessary assumptions for your business.
Your answer should focus the following:
i. Circular economy and entrepreneurial ecosystem (30% weight).
ii. Dynamic Capability theory in circular economy (30%)
iii. Redefining the business model (20% weight).
iv. Entrepreneurial growth Strategy (10% weight).
v. Managerial Challenges (10% weight).
You can use real life data and take necessary assumptions to develop and support your arguments. You may also use case study or in-depth interview to collect data if necessary. If you are using a case study or in-depth interview and there is any human involvement, you must apply to the University of Essex for ethical approval for the data collection. Your answers should reflect the discussions in the classroom.

An Indicative Guide to Essay Writing
 The Purpose of the Essay
Essays allow us to judge your understanding of course material covered. The essay is designed to evaluate your ability to understand, analyse, organise, and communicate. It constitutes, therefore, a key element of the learning process.

1. An introduction, which should be clearly denoted by a sub-heading. The introduction has two purposes. First, to tell the reader briefly about the topic and why it is important. Second, to define up-front any key terms used and guiding the reader about your position in the essay.
2. A background section detailing the background of the company context related to the question, how others in the field (experts) have considered related issues and set the broad context of how you tackle the question. If you think you are contributing something new in the existing literature, this is where you describe in brief where your contributions lie.
3. A main section that shows how you have approached the question, what your findings are and what inferences have you drawn, which can answer the question above. This is the most detailed section of your essay and carries the most weight.
4. A conclusion which should briefly summarise your key findings and identify any of the limitations of your essay (perhaps by reference back to how others have dealt with such topics) and how these may be overcome in more advanced literature.