Prepare a 2,000-word essay critically evaluating the impact of a financial technology on an area of the financial industry.

Financial technologies

Prepare a 2,000-word essay critically evaluating the impact of a financial technology on an area of the financial industry. As part of this, you will assess the potential for business and economic disruption within your chosen financial subsector resulting from technological innovation. You should address the key opportunities, practical implications and risks posed by the adoption of the new technology and give an opinion as to the degree of disruption that widespread adoption of this technology may have on your chosen subsector.
You have been provided with an initial reading list of five sources to stoke your curiosity and lay the foundation for further research (see below). To successfully complete this assignment, you will need to draw on a wider range of references through independent research.
Your writing should be in the third person and any assertions you make should be supported with evidence. The essay must be written in an appropriate style and provide evidence of an ability to engage in critical discussion and thoughtful examination of the issues raised.