What is the nitrogenous oxygen demand (NSW) of a solution containing 43 mgh TOG

1. (15 polo.) The doubling time of a bactenal growth is 4.5 days. If the in.t population of the inoculated bacteria is 3510/ceas and assuming the growth Is exponential, what would be the population In the day 18 d the grodh? S (20 points) US copper production .2013 was 1,250 tons per year. The estimated recoverable reserve of copper is 4].500 tone. Growth in US copper production over the ad decade averaged at 1.2 percent per year.

a) How long would it take to use up the reser.es at the current production rate? b) In .2 year the whole reserve cull be used 2 production continues to climb at 1.2 percent per year? (Assume exponential resource production model) S (20 points) Water with 0.88 mg/L methylene chloride k 0025 mg/L tetrachldoethy.e. 70 kg adult drinks 2L/day for 25 years.

a) What is hazard Index? Is asafe710 what is carcinogen, risk for telra Chlometlyene? Is It sofa? A (15 points) A test bottle (Blank) con.ining just seeded dilution water has Hs DO level drop by 1.2 mgt in a five/day SOD lest. A 300-mL 000 bottle filled with 25 mL of was.water and the re. seeded dilution water experiences a drop of 8.8 mg/1. mn a five-day .t. What is the BOO/ of Ow original wastewater?
S (10 points) What is the nitrogenous oxygen demand (NSW) of a solution containing 43 mgh TOG
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What uercen.ge of Ole BOO is being removed byl s tspahnen, pant?If this isle sedMary treatment plant that is supposed to rents e 85 percent tithe 800. WO. you k911119 Pr5e47?