Using the general legal test. did the employer have just cause to dismiss Sasha?

Question #3:
Sasha. 43 years old, was a bank employee with three years’ ‘ r t Capita the non-unionized position of ‘ Smings in th m service who was employed by —°as • Coast time Capital Sasha had been a valued emplooyeienformation technolo (IT) rt During gy suppo . ..,- , pOrt role, with an unblemished record. Because of her I I ‘ Sasha had virtually unlimited and u ally intern to staff well __ ., nsupervised access to confidential documents (both internal t t ff ul. % ell as for clients). One of the files Sasha had access to was a document outlining t ere given staff list for designating parking spots (otherwise known as “priority parking”). Parking on the on a seniority/reward basis and the “Priority Parking” document stated where each her tinrlupe fist. One day, when Sasha new her manager was not working, Sasha decided to access the senstt -Priority Parking” document without permission to satisfy her curiosity about w ivreelated employee hierarchy. As soon as Coast Capital found out about this action, it dismissed Sasha for Just spots vv s employee vsf.a. cause. Sasha sued the employer for wrongful dismissal arguing that the termination was unfair. here she was in the t

1) Using the general legal test. did the employer have just cause to dismiss Sasha?

assume the workplace was unionized and the collective agreement contained the following

2) Now a employee may be dismissed absent just cause. Just cause is defined as gross income t “Isaffod :misconduct which prejudices the employer’s operation, or any other misconduct Pet off-duty which lc would affect customer accounts.” Can the employer •dismiss Sasha for just cause?r