What was the Harlem Renaissance? Give some examples of artists who were active at the time. Just give a couple of examples but offer context and detail. What were the reactions to the Harlem Renaissance?

Choose one of the topics for your main post. Respond to at least one student who answered a different question from you. The answers should come from your textbook, the book of primary source documents, the assigned website, the lecture, videos, and the research you conducted in the APUS Library. Respond as many times as you wish. Your two best responses will be graded. Check the Note. The initial post with well referenced facts is due by Wednesday, 11:55 p.m. ET and 2 peer responses are due by Friday, 11:55 p.m. ET.

Choose one of questions below. Respond to at least one student who answered a different question from you. The answers should come from your textbook, the book of primary source documents, the assigned website, the lecture, videos, and the research you conducted in the APUS Library.

1). What was the Harlem Renaissance? Give some examples of artists who were active at the time. Just give a couple of examples but offer context and detail. What were the reactions to the Harlem Renaissance? Why did it come about? (starts in text page 123 or use scholarly sources from elsewhere)

2).Who was Marcus Garvey? Was he successful or not? Remember to read critically, not passively. Feel free to do extra reading, but be careful about sources. Ask yourself if the source that you are looking at is scholarly (assuming it is not the text, for the text see page 128). Was it written by a historian? Does the website have a particular angle that it is pushing?

3). Did WWI (One) impact African Americans? Did black soldiers serve in the war?

4). What was the famous case of the Scottsboro Boys? Be absolutely sure to use scholarly sources. No encyclopedias, no “history.com”, only scholarly sources, if you choose this question. Find articles and books and websites written by historians, preferably from web addresses with .edu in the address. Try Google Scholar or our wonderful library.