CERCLA and Agricultural Street Case:
1) Review Agricultural Street Case from New Orleans:
Background: https://bridgethegulfproject.org/node/300
Background: https://www.nola.com/news/politics/article_18f4b255-eeb1-56af-8fe2-874edf331d3f.html
Background on Recent Judgment Against Housing Organization: https://www.nola.com/news/environment/article_defc7b04-a49e-11ec-9761-b726801505d0.html
2) What liability should NOLA have for the Agricultural Street Case? And what does it mean that the EPA declared the site as remediated?: https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2022/04/01/new-orleans-gordon-plaza-epa/
3) Do you understand why the liability is not via CERCLA, under what authority were the damages awarded?
FIFRA and Atrazine Registration
1) Timeline of Atrazine
CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/biomonitoring/Atrazine_BiomonitoringSummary.html#:~:text=Atrazine%20was%20first%20registered%20as,of%20corn%20cropland%20receiving%20treatment.
Timeline from Perspective of Regulated Industry: https://agsense.org/timeline/
Timeline from Environmental Advocacy Group: https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/campaigns/pesticides_reduction/endocrine_disruptors/action_timeline.html
2) Atrazine Re-registration decision: https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2020-09/documents/atrazine-id-signed-final.pdf
3) Should the Biden administration re-open the decision on Atrazine registration? Do you agree with the initial decision? What should the standard be? https://www.law.georgetown.edu/environmental-law-review/blog/biden-is-reevaluating-chlorpyrifos-pesticide-why-not-also-atrazine/
RCRA Manifests + PFAS
1) Review the page for the Hazardous Waste Manifest System: https://www.epa.gov/hwgenerators/hazardous-waste-manifest-system
2) Has the state you live in expanded the Manifest system to any other substances beyond RCRA? Note the manifest system is the tracking mechanism from Generator, to Transporter, to Final Waste Storage/Disposal Facility for hazardous chemicals covered under RCRA.
3) Can you think of any ramifications of adding PFAS to RCRA?
PFAS Explained: https://www.epa.gov/pfas/pfas-explained
Note, part of what I would like you to consider is the uncertainty and cost of regulation.
Discussion in RCRA Context: https://www.natlawreview.com/article/four-pfas-may-be-designated-rcra-hazardous-wastes