Does the moral maturity level of a leader matter? Why and for whom? Refer to the framework in this chapter in your response.

1. Do you agree that values-based leadership is both a realistic and necessary orientation that leaders in business, government, and other sectors should adopt? Explain.
Does the moral maturity level of a leader matter? Why and for whom? Refer to the
framework in this chapter in your response.

Which ethical approach presented in the chapter do most, if not all, business and
government leaders generally use? Why? What are the upsides and downsides for

using this approach?

Is virtue ethics really a “principle” that can be used to prevent and help resolve ethical dilemmas in business and the workplace? Explain your reasoning.
In what ways is authenticity related to being and acting ethical as a leader and fol
lower? Offer an example of an authentic and an inauthentic leader in the current

media or news.

What other symptoms of unethical leadership have or have you observed in leaders
you know in organizations, including educational institutions? How do or have these

symptoms affected you—your satisfaction, productivity, relationships?

Argue why servant and steward leadership styles are both practical and impractical
in the real world of work. After articulating these arguments, what do you believe

with regard to this question? Explain.