Describe the 3 choices that an organization can make when deciding how to analyze jobs and work.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words each. They will be run thru a plagiarism checker. Thanks. Research and write a research-based responses. Support your answer using concepts from the required readings, course materials, or library resources. Cite your sources.

1. Describe the 3 choices that an organization can make when deciding how to analyze jobs and work. Recommend a technique your organization can use to support talent management activities and explain why.

2. our boss asked you to prepare a brief for a workshop on work analysis for the HR team. In your brief, define work analysis, show the process of work analysis, and explain how to work analysis can benefit your organization.

3. You have been asked to conduct a work analysis for a client. Keeping in mind the mission of your organization, what techniques will you apply, and why?