Who can consent to medical treatment for young children?

Ethics and Regulations in Heal \ DB


Seven-year-old Megan was on a school trip to the Isle of Wight when she slipped on the edge of the swimming pool and landed awkwardly on her wrist. She is taken to the local Accident and Emergency department by her teacher. X-rays revealed she has a nasty contaminated radius fracture, and the orthopedic team believes it will need manipulation under anesthesia to achieve satisfactory realignment. Your surgical ST6 has asked you to complete the necessary pre-theatre checklists and to complete the consent form. You try to explain to him that the parents are absent, but he reassures you that the teacher can sign instead since she is the accompanying adult.

Questions • Who can consent to medical treatment for young children?


1. Who can consent to medical treatment for young children?



The purpose of this assignment is to help you learn more about the members of your learning community.

Action Items

  1. Think of two items that are interesting or unique about yourself.
  2. Complete a course introduction noting one or two unique items and background information about yourself. For example, your area of work, professional interests and aspirations, academic goals, why you are taking this course, and your hobbies. Post your introduction to the discussion topic “Class Member Introductions.”
  3. Respond to two other class member postings, noting questions and mutual interests.