Should Economic Sanctions Be Imposed on Governments That Violate Human Rights?

Should Economic Sanctions Be Imposed on
Governments That Violate Human Rights?

First read the Controversy on pages 532 – 533 of the textbook, “Should Economic Sanctions
Be Imposed on Governments That Violate Human Rights?” Then write 2 – 3 sentences
responding to each of the following questions.
1. When are economic sanctions an appropriate tool to try to compel governments to
improve their respect for human rights?
2. Are economic sanctions an appropriate policy tool for issues other than human rights?
For which kinds of issues (political, economic, international security or other) would
economic sanctions be an appropriate tool of diplomacy?
Papers must:
1. Not exceed one page in length (one side, single- or double-spaced)
2. Be typed in a 12-point font
3. Have at least one-inch margins on all sides