Burke encourages the rhetorical critic to discover communicators’ motives by analyzing the god terms and devil terms they use. As presented in this chapter, what are Burke’s god terms and devil terms?


1. Burke says that without identiication, there is no persuasion. A number of
the theories already covered deal with ideas or principles akin to identiication.
Can you name ive?
2. Burke encourages the rhetorical critic to discover communicators’ motives by
analyzing the god terms and devil terms they use. As presented in this chapter,
what are Burke’s god terms and devil terms?
3. Apply the dramatistic pentad to the nonverbal rhetoric of a Friday night party
on campus. Which of the ive elements of the pentad would you stress to capture
the meaning of that human drama?
4. Burke claims that all rhetoric ultimately expiates guilt through victimage. If he’s
right, is it the guilt of the speaker, the listener, or the victim that is being purged?