Discuss at least one theoretical model of behavior change and its relevance to your behavior change program.

Briefly describe your overall experience. Address your attitude, motivation, and specific goals at the onset of the program. As an introduction, this section should include why the behavior was chosen for change, and your state of mind as you began this journey. The introduction should be approximately 1 page in length.
Discuss at least one theoretical model of behavior change and its relevance to your behavior change program. Be specific about how this model can be applied to your specific situation (i.e., discuss specific examples that illustrate how the model can be applied to your behavior change journey). Although, highlight persistent barriers and your success/failure at handling them. If you were successful, what contributed to your success (e.g., coping skills)? If you relapsed, what contributed to that? What could you do differently to overcome the barrier(s) in the future? Theory/Course Content integration should be 2-5 pages in length.
Finally, explain your journey; how did it go? Evaluate your success/failure and contributing factors to your success/failure. Also, discuss your intentions for (dis)continued attempts/maintenance of your behavior change. Where do you see yourself 3 months from now? 6 months? A year? Include modifications you would/intend to make to your goals or strategies to make the change permanent. Summary and future plans should be 1-2 pages in length.
Papers should follow APA 7th edition style and formatting and should be 4-8 pages in length (not including title page and references), at minimum.