ice that we will only cover big-M method, so please solve them using big-M method.) Solve the following LOP udng big-M method and artificial variables. Maximize 2t + 522 subject to xi +2×2 =3, 221 — 22 =1, xr 0, xx > 0 minimize + 322 subject to of +2×2 6, 221+22 ?6, el or 0, x2 >. 0, Maximize or + 1022 subject to XI + or 3, or +9×2 < 6, 2, > 0, ox 0. (Solutions: (1) (1,1):12/12, 0h13/12, /

Section 2.3: 3(b). (Notice that we will only cover big-M method, so please solve them using big-M method.) Solve the following LOP udng big-M method and artificial variables.
Maximize 2t + 522 subject to xi +2×2 =3, 221 — 22 =1, xr 0, xx > 0 minimize + 322 subject to of +2×2 6, 221+22 ?6, el or 0, x2 >. 0, Maximize or + 1022 subject to XI + or 3, or +9×2 < 6, 2, > 0, ox 0. (Solutions: (1) (1,1):12/12, 0h13/12, /