What volume of ½NS do you require over the course of your shift?

Instructions: Complete all questions in the space provided. For full marks, you are required to show all calculations, include units of measure and round final answers appropriately.


You may use one of two submission methods:


  1. Print a blank copy of this assignment and complete all questions by hand. You may use a combination of equations, diagrams and written explanations to show your work. After completing the assignment, submit all seven pages electronically through Blackboard by the due date. You may scan the document or provide clear photos of all pages.


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Engaging in any form of academic dishonesty to obtain any type of advantage or credit is an offence and will not be tolerated by the College. Such offences under this policy include, but are not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, falsification, impersonation, misrepresentation and procurement.

  • Complete this assignment electronically by typing all solutions and answers into this document. Solutions must be clear and unambiguous. After completing the assignment, save the document and submit all seven pages electronically through Blackboard by the due date.


  1. During your 0800 – 1800 shift, Mr. Mamaril is under your care. You receive a medication order to administer 500.mL of 2/3 & 1/3 over 8.hours. You begin infusion at 0800 using a 500 mL IV bag, and a delivery set calibrated to.25 gtt/mL.

Show all calculations.


  1. a) What is the prescribed flow rate (mL/hr)? / 2

At 1400, there is 240.mL TBA.


  1. b) Is the IV on time, ahead or behind, and by how much (mL)? / 4

c) What is the new flow rate (mL/hr)? / 4

d) What is the new drip rate (gtt/min)? / 3


You arrive for your 1600 – midnight shift, and Mr. Yazdanian is undergoing IV therapy using RL w/ 20.mEq.KCl/L @.70.mL/hr. When you arrive at 1600, there is 625.mL remaining in the IV bag. The IV drop factor is 30.gtt/mL.

Show all calculations.


  1. a) What volume of fluid is required for your shift? / 3


At 2200, there is 245.mL TBA.

b) Is the IV on time, ahead or behind, and by how much? / 4

c) What is the new flow rate (mL/hr)? / 3


d) Calculate the variance. / 2

e) Is it safe to adjust the flow rate? If not, then name two things that you must do before adjusting the flow rate. / 2


You are working a shift from 1200 to 2000 and Mrs. Purcell is under your care. Her IV prescription for ½N/S is scheduled to begin at 1300. The prescriber has ordered 800 mL of ½N/S to run at 85 mL/hr. You begin infusion at 1300 using a 500 mL IV bag and an IV set calibrated to 10 gtt/mL.

Show all calculations.

a) What is the prescribed drip rate? / 3

b) At what time do you expect the IV bag to run empty? / 4

At 1500, the IV bag is half empty.


  1. c) Is the IV on time, ahead or behind, and by how much? / 4


d) What is the new flow rate? / 4


e) What is the new drip rate? / 3


Ms. Shaw is undergoing N/G replacement therapy and she is under your care during your 0900 – 1700 shift. You have been provided with the following orders.

Primary IV: ½NS @ 70 mL/hr.

Replace half of N/G drainage with D5W over 2 hours at the beginning of each 8-hour shift via separate IV line.


Shift report:

½NS:                   330 mL

D5W:                   175 mL

N/G drainage:   260 mL


Show all calculations.


  1. a) What volume of ½NS do you require over the course of your shift? / 3

b) At what time do you expect the IV bag of ½NS to run empty? / 4


c) What volume of D5W do you require over the course of your shift? / 2


d) At what rate will you administer D5W? / 2



e) How much D5W will remain in the IV bag at 1100? / 2


You are working a shift from 0700 to 1500, and Mr. Persaud is under your care. He is undergoing nasogastric aspiration with the following orders.

Primary IV: D5NS @.95.mL/hr.

Replace nasogastric drainage with RL over 3 hours at the beginning of each 8-hour shift via IV piggy-back.


Shift report:

D5NS:                 825 mL

RL:                      425 mL

N/G drainage:   185 mL


Show all calculations.


  1. a) What volume of D5NS is required over the course of your shift? / 3

b) At what time will you begin infusing primary IV fluid? / 1

c) At what rate will you administer D5NS? / 3

d) At what rate will you administer RL? / 2


e) How much primary IV fluid will remain in the IV bag at 1400? / 3

You are working a shift from 1600 to midnight. Your patient, Ms. Rodriguez, is undergoing N/G replacement therapy with the following orders.

Primary IV: NS at 45 mL/hr

Replace N/G drainage with D10W over the first 3 hours of each shift via separate, secondary IV line.


Shift report:

NS:                      270 mL

D10W:                100 mL

N/G drainage:   120 mL


Show all calculations.

a) At what time do you expect the primary IV bag to run empty? / 3


b) How much additional NS will you require over the course of your shift? / 2

c) At what time do you expect the secondary IV bag to run empty? / 3

d) How much additional D10W will you require over the course of your shift? / 2