State the issue and discuss its importance as a critical, ongoing, or an emerging issue (Marx, 2006, p. 66), which may affect the ability of an institution of higher education to fulfill its mission and deliver its curriculum

Tools of scanning

Marx (2006, Chapters 5 & 6), and Fullan and Scott (2009, Chapter 4) present a variety of tools for scanning the institutional environment to determine how an issue may affect a college or university over time. Review these tools and choose at least two that would be appropriate for you to use in determining effects your selected issue may have on an institution of higher education.

In four substantial paragraphs:

state the issue and discuss its importance as a critical, ongoing, or an emerging issue (Marx, 2006, p. 66), which may affect the ability of an institution of higher education to fulfill its mission and deliver its curriculum; and

present the tools that will be most helpful in helping leaders identify a plan to address the issue over time, justify your choice of tools and explore the strengths and weaknesses of each tool.