How does this SOI show evidence of something God created


In the Reverse Engineering Project, you will acquire a commercially available product (i.e., the system of interest – SOI), carefully disassemble it, develop a hypothesis concerning the purpose of the SOI (i.e., the Problem Statement), and conduct a thorough analysis of the SOI using the SysML modeling language, Visio modeling tool, and the Wasson MBSE modeling method. As part of the project, you will consider how the SOI fits into the CreationeeringTM paradigm and a biblical worldview.

Please note: This assignment is not due until Module 8. The Assignment Instructions are placed in an earlier module for you to preview as you will need to begin working on the assignment prior to the module in which it is due.

Product Acquisition Assignment Overview

In this assignment, you will acquire a commercial product (i.e., the SOI), carefully examine it without disassembly, analyze and document information about the product, and provide evidence that you performed this activity.  This activity is meant to serve as a preliminary examination of the product.


  1. Acquire a commercial product to serve as your system of interest (SOI) for this project.
  • Choose an SOI with at least seven (7) or more parts.
  • Choose an SOI with a mix of mechanical & electrical parts.
  1. Prepare a document of your activities based on the Reverse Engineering Project: Part 1 – Product Acquisition Template.
  2. Export/Upload the completed document as a pdf file.


  1. Small appliances, power tools, and electro-mechanical toys are good examples.
  2. Acquire a $20 – $30 item that is easy to disassemble with a basic set of hand tools.
  3. You may choose to use an artifact that you already own or obtain a product from a second-hand store, provided the product meets the criteria outlined above and is functioning properly.
  4. Consider how the SOI fits into the CreationeeringTM paradigm and a biblical worldview. -How does this SOI show evidence of something God created (i.e., biomimicry)? How could this SOI be used in a ministry application? What Scripture passages relate to this SOI or this stage of the project?

Note: These are minimal requirements. To achieve a higher grade on this assignment, you must exceed these requirements. See the grading rubric for further details.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.