Differentiate between substantial and insubstantial phenomena, as well as among nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales.

4.1 Distinguish between primary data and secondary data, and describe a
variety of forms that data for a research project might take.
4.2 Compare quantitative versus qualitative research methodologies
in terms of their typical purposes, processes, data collection strategies,
data analyses, and nature of the final reports.
4.3 Explain the difference between the internal validity and external
validity of a research study. Also explain how you might use different
strategies to determine the validity of a quantitative study versus that of
a qualitative study.
4.4 Differentiate between substantial and insubstantial phenomena, as well
as among nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales.
4.5 Describe several different types of validity and reliability related to
specific measurement techniques. Also, describe various strategies
you might use to either determine or enhance the validity and/or
reliability of a measurement technique.
4.6 Discuss ethical issues related to protection from harm, voluntary and
informed participation, right to privacy, and honesty with professional
colleagues. Also, explain the roles of internal review boards and professional codes of ethics in minimizing potential ethical problems in a
research study.