Explain the significance of a holistic approach to nursing care.

Describe the components and processes of systems.
• Explain Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs and its relationship to
• Recognize how environmental factors such as family, culture, social
support, social media and the Internet, and community influence
• Explain the significance of a holistic approach to nursing care.
• Apply Rosenstock’s health belief model and Bandura’s theory of
perceived self-efficacy to personal health behaviors and health
behaviors of others.
• Devise a personal plan for achieving high-level wellness.
• Define and give examples of beliefs.
• Define and give examples of values.
• Cite examples of nursing philosophies.
• Discuss the impact of beliefs and values on nurses’ professional
• Explain how nurses and organizations educating and employing
nurses can use a philosophy of nursing.
• Identify personal beliefs, values, and philosophies as they relate to