What would a deontologist’s position be with regard to the sustaining of the infant’s life?

Distressful Ethical Situations
Reflect on the clinical example of the nurse’s moral distress related
to the prematurely born infant in the NICU. Now that you have
some basic knowledge about ethics, consider these questions:
1. What would a deontologist’s position be with regard to the
sustaining of the infant’s life?
2. What would a utilitarian’s position be in this case?
3. What virtues of the nurse do you see at work in this case?
4. What basic ethical principles do you think the nurse may be
using in analyzing this moral dilemma?
5. What are your own personal beliefs and values regarding the
sustaining of a very premature infant on extensive life
6. What are alternative ethical viewpoints that someone else
may hold regarding this situation?

 Who holds the primary responsibility for determining what

should happen in this case—the parents or the health care
providers? Defend your response from an ethical
8. What is the state’s (government’s) role in intervening in this
type of situation?