Understand the dynamics facing care giving. 

Care giving responsibilities of family members that have major health issues have received a substantial amount of attention over the past decade.

Unfortunately, many people find themselves behind the wheel of care giving.  The purpose of this assignment is to understand the dynamics facing care giving. 


The purpose of the paper is two-fold.

First students should interview a caregiver and collect the data using the tool distributed by the professor. The student should be able to discuss the sub scale on the second page of the inventory sheet, be able to tally the results, and discuss the scoring as well as the interview process.  The interview should also include these critical thinking questions

  1. A) The name of the caregiver interviewed, B) relative that they are proving care for C) what is the current diagnosis of the person being cared for D) Are you being financially compensated for the care that you are providing E) Do you have a support system F) Were there any other family members that could have provided care for this relative G) If yes, why are you the care giver, H) Do you pay for the medication/prescriptions.  What are some needs for the family member that you have had to provide care for that you are not receiving federal/ state/ or city assistance for?  I) How has your life been altered as a  caregiver? J) Have you experienced any health conditions during or post caregiving k) Do you feel that this responsibility could / should be shared by someone else L0 Do you have any regrets

This paper should be at least 6 pages, but no more than 8, double spaced-typed in Times New Roman font style with a font of 12pt.

Please be prepared to present to your professor and your colleagues during the week immediately following the midterm ( Class Assignment ) Rubric Attached.

APA style