Compare the Cognitive Behavioral Theories we discussed in class to ACT. What commonalities do they share? How do they differ?

Watch: What is ACT?
Complete: ACT DB
1. Compare the Cognitive Behavioral Theories we discussed in class to ACT. What
commonalities do they share? How do they differ? (5 points)
2. Find one empirical article that was published within the last 10 years
about ACT. Summarize the main points of the article (what was the research question, briefly how was it tested, and what did the researchers find). How do the results inform the use of ACT as a treatment modality? Be sure to cite your reference and keep your response to 12 paragraphs. (15 points)
3. Think about any multicultural concerns that may impact treatment. In what way might ACT be limiting? (10 points)
4. Respond to a classmate’s post. Share your thoughts on the research article they summarized or ask a follow up question to any aspect of their post. (5 points)