How has your classmate helped you understand/consider the different types of medical writing for lay audiences from the class readings?


In this discussion you will describe some types of medical writing for non-medical audiences and respond to your classmates. By describing and discussing medical writing for lay audiences, you will gain a better understanding of these types of writing and what is necessary to write for lay audiences.


Initial Post

Referencing at least 3 of the course readings, describe some of the different types of medical writing for lay audiences. What are the purposes of these types of medical writing? How do these differ from the types of medical writing for professional and medical audiences? Do you know of any other types of medical writing for lay audiences that the readings did not discuss?

Your post should be 250 words or more.


After posting your response to the two prompts, read what your classmates have written in their posts. Respond thoroughly to at least 2 classmates. When you respond consider:

  • What has your classmate addressed that you did not?
  • How has your classmate helped you understand/consider the different types of medical writing for lay audiences from the class readings?
  • What did your classmate not address from the readings that you think is important to remember about the different types of medical writing for lay audiences?

Each response should be 75 words or more.