What does “Negritude” mean? When does it really start?

Discussion Board 8.

We begin this second half of Francophone Africa with the concept of Négritude. Search on the Internet an article that deals with the “Négritude Movement.” Also, search on the Internet a biographical source on the Senegalese poet Léopold Sédar Senghor and read the three poems by Senghor provided below. Then answer the following questions 1-4

  • What does “Negritude” mean? When does it really start?
  • How is Senghor involved with this concept? When does he become President of Senegal?
  • What is your appreciation of the three poems by Senghor? Which one did you like the best? Why?
  • Respond to another student’s post.

Poems by Senghor:
To New York:


Black Womanr:

Prayer to Masks: