What are the null and alternative hypotheses? Where did you obtain your data or who obtained it for you?

You are in charge of conducting an analysis for your organization to determine if there is a difference in product sales between the day shift, the night shift, and the weekend shift. Your coworker has already collected the data and they are ready for you to analyze.

Review the data your coworker collected in the Analysis of ANOVA Test Data Spreadsheet.

First, plan your analysis. Second, conduct your analysis. Third, describe your analysis.

Create a 5- to 7-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation and include speaker notes. Include the following elements in your presentation.

Part 1: Planning
What are the null and alternative hypotheses?
Where did you obtain your data or who obtained it for you?

Part 2: Analysis
What are the descriptive statistics for your sample? Include:
Sample size
Standard deviation
Analysis procedures: What did you do to conduct your analysis?

Part 3: Results and Discussion
What are the test statistics and results? Include
f statistic
What are the results? Are the results inferable to the population?
Do you reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis? Explain.
What do the results mean? What is your recommendation to the organization?
ANOVA Data sheet
Participant ID
Shift Total Sales
1 Day 599
2 Day 233
3 Day 605
4 Day 222
5 Day 1,100
6 Day 855
7 Day 344
8 Day 333
9 Day 222
10 Day 567
11 Day 850
12 Day 888
13 Day 200
14 Day 566
15 Day 335
16 Day 643
17 Day 344
18 Day 456
19 Day 124
20 Day 125
21 Day 742
22 Day 112
23 Day 322
24 Day 1,224
25 Day 112
26 Day 70
27 Day 233
28 Day 783
29 Day 634
30 Day 233
31 Day 732
32 Day 666
33 Day 233
34 Night 9,060
35 Night 5,604
36 Night 5,663
37 Night 223
38 Night 6,334
39 Night 7,885
40 Night 3,442
41 Night 2,245
42 Night 3,448
43 Night 223
44 Night 6,678
45 Night 4,556
46 Night 344
47 Night 988
48 Night 907
49 Night 6,663
50 Night 113
51 Night 4,556
52 Night 2,567
53 Night 8,954
54 Night 3,463
55 Night 5,366
56 Night 2,332
57 Night 3,234
58 Night 1,222
59 Night 1,211
60 Night 1,222
61 Night 1,441
62 Night 3,744
63 Night 7,447
64 Night 3,473
65 Night 6,733
66 Night 7,452
67 Weekend 9,402
68 Weekend 8,925
69 Weekend 8,034
70 Weekend 8,968
71 Weekend 9,246
72 Weekend 6,902
73 Weekend 8,401
74 Weekend 7,028
75 Weekend 9,684
76 Weekend 8,726
77 Weekend 7,833
78 Weekend 7,843
79 Weekend 9,845
80 Weekend 8,262
81 Weekend 8,523
82 Weekend 9,367
83 Weekend 2,357
84 Weekend 9,070
85 Weekend 9,783
86 Weekend 9,683
87 Weekend 10,311
88 Weekend 9,481
89 Weekend 10,525
90 Weekend 9,852
91 Weekend 9,026
92 Weekend 8,362
93 Weekend 8,727
94 Weekend 8,792
95 Weekend 9,573
96 Weekend 8,673
97 Weekend 7,847
98 Weekend 9,758
99 Weekend 8,953