Explain nursing staffing shortages and its impact on Patient Quality Care and Safety in UK hospitals

Explain nursing staffing shortages and its impact on Patient Quality Care and Safety in UK hospitals

Use similar structure to one below

Table of Contents
Acknowledgements 4
Abstract 5
1. Introduction​
1.1 Aims and Objectives​
​1.2 Rationale​
Main body (please use Themes from literature research)
​2.3 Summary​16
3. Methodology​17
​3.1 Research design​
​3.2 Research strategy​18
​3.3 Inclusion and exclusion criteria​19
​3.3.1 Inclusion criteria​19
​3.3.2 Exclusion criteria​19
3.3.4 Table of inclusion and exclusion criteria 19
3.4 Quality assessment and abstraction of data 20
​3.5 Completion of search process​21
3.6 Prisma diagram 22
3.7 Table of included studies
7. Conclusion​44
​7.1 Recommendations for interventions​45
Reference List​47