Critically evaluate financial ratios/measures which meet the objectives of the case study. Analyse the financial ratios/measures, with the support of appropriate diagrams.

Banking Theory and Practice 2022-23

To be submitted before 1pm on
Tuesday, 21st March 2023
The assignment is a case study. The length of the case study is
1000 words (+/- 10%)
excluding cover page, table of contents, abstract, references and appendices.


In 2016, UK voted chose to leave the European Union. Conduct a case study on

how Brexit and uncertainty of Brexit plan for financial services have affected a

chosen UK commercial bank so far, in the context of performance and risk level.

Your case study needs to include the following elements:

Explain the background of the mentioned topic, using appropriate
references. Clearly explain the objectives of your case study. This should

include the details of which types of performance and risk you choose to


(20 marks)

Collect and explain the relevant financial data of your chosen UK
commercial bank and economic data from a reliable source (At least the

current 5 years of data). Present the information properly.

(10 marks)

Critically evaluate financial ratios/measures which meet the objectives of
the case study. Analyse the financial ratios/measures, with the support of

appropriate diagrams.

(30 marks)

Critically argue how the bank’s performance and risk were affected by
Brexit and uncertainty of Brexit plan for financial services.

(30 marks)

Your essay has to include a cover page (with the title of essay, do NOT
include your student ID), a list of reference, and the appendix if needed.

The referencing format should be Harvard referencing style.

(10 marks)

This coursework should be submitted via the module blackboard site. You are

expected to understand the university regulation on academic offence. The rules on

late submission and plagiarism are applied and fully enforced by the school.