critically analyze a set of data.

Haemoglobin oxygen equilibrium curve – Bohr effect

Learning outcomes Students will:

  • critically analyze a set of data.
  • observe the effects of differing partial pressures of oxygen on haemoglobin oxygen
  • assess the effects of differing partial pressures of carbon dioxide on the ability of oxygen to bind to haemoglobin.
  • develop an understanding of the physiological significance of the Bohr effect.
  • consider the importance of buffers (carbonic acid-bicarbonate) in the blood, and describe their function in acid-base balance.
  • compile and present the appropriate information for a Discussion section of a scientific manuscript.

o become aware of the conventions of scientific writing.

o become aware (i.e. metacognition) of their individual writing process and improve writing through revision based upon formative feedback.

o practice writing clearly, concisely, and precisely.


Moyes CD, Schulte PM. 2015. Principles of animal physiology. 3rd Edition. Toronto: Pearson Benjamin Cummings. 784p. Chapter 11, Respiratory systems; p. 473 – 486.

Carefully read the materials in the Pre-lab 2 manual and this Pre-lab 2 assignment.