How many hotels, rooms, ships and restaurants does the company own? Any special promotions being offered

Pick one (1) hotel companies, one (1) cruise lines and one (1) restaurant chains, such as Hyatt, Norwegian Cruise Lines and Denny’s.
Look for the following information:
Brands- list them and describe who the target market would be, for example business person, families etc.
The category they are in, for instance luxury, budget etc.
Where is the headquarters?
How many hotels, rooms, ships and restaurants does the company own?
Any special promotions being offered
Any presence in Miami, if so where?
What countries are they in?
List a position you would like.
List any management trainee programs or college programs they might have.
List any tuition reimbursement program they might have.
Use Microsoft PowerPoint to present your findings listed above.
Under notes, write commentaries as if you were making a live presentation.
Create about 7-9 slides per company with a total of 21-27 slides.
View the draft Hospitality Research Project example.ppt (not to be copied)
NOTE: This example is incomplete and missing the portion on job postings, and management training programs.
Include cited sources.