What is revealed by examining the incarceration rates, versus the crime rate, correlation?

Discuss–Greenwald on the Justice SystemIn

your post, select two of the questions, from the review of the Greenwald’s article, and elaborate your thoughts and answer to those particular questions–pertaining to the two-tier system.

Also, select one of the fallacies we have covered thus far, and speak to how you see this fallacy as being related to the functioning of the two-tier. That is, how does the two-tiers of justice utilize or depend upon a fundamental fallacy, in some respect, in order to maintain itself.

American Justices’ Second Tier”

by Glenn Greenwald

1) What is the topic  of the artilce? (Paraphrased)
2) What is the issue pertaining to the prison population percentage, in the US? (223)

3) What is revealed by examining the incarceration rates, versus the crime rate, correlation? (225)
4) The ‘Law-and-Order’ platform is related to what period in US history? (226)
5) How is Nixon’s view, that societal unrest is a consequence of civil disobedience, related to Greenwald’s overall thesis? (227)
6) How does Ford’s pardon of Nixon support Greenwald’s overall thesis? (228)
7) How does Nixon’s presidency relate to the law and order claim? (232)
8) What kinds of crimes are most predominately prosecuted in the US? (234)
9) What is the issue of mandatory minimum sentencing, in relation to judgements and leniency? (235)
10) What is a draconian legal system? (240)
11) How does context, the background one is exposed to, impact one’s likelihood of being imprisoned? (243)
12) What is the crack/cocaine issue, as relating to imprisonment? (245)
13) What is the stop-and-frisk issue? (247)
14) How does economics impact one’s ability to receive quality defense? (249)
15) Greenwald referenced Taibbi’s reporting, considering how homes were foreclosed. What does this process show, relating to Greenwald’s thesis? (253)
16) What is the general problem, according to Greenwald, with for-profit prisons? (255-258)
17) What is the issue of the “revolving door?” (257)
18) What is the critique of Obama’s ‘look forward and not backwards’ statement? (259)
19) What is the issue of the treatment of whistleblowers, in relation to justice? (262)

20) By the end of the article, Greenwald links the “War on Drugs” to the “War on Terror,” in relation to the mindset behind the Justice System. What connection is he alluding to? (266)