Make a PowerPoint presentation about “The use of “Applications of Differentiation-Related Rates” in our real life and using “PYTHON” to represent the result on a graph.



1) For this term’s project you are asked to make a PowerPoint presentation about “The use of “Applications of Differentiation-Related Rates” in our real life and using “PYTHON” to represent the result on a graph.

2) This presentation should contain at least 4 slides, and the maximum number of students in the same project is 4 students. Due on Tuesday the 28th of February 2023.

3) NOTE: no projects will be accepted after the mentioned due date.

4) SLIDE 1: should contain your name, class and subjects’ names.

5) SLIDE 2: should contain a good description and presentation about your real examples/applications with definitions.

6) SLIDE 3: should contain pictures of UAE real life applications with a description of each picture.

7) SLIDE 4: mention one mathematical example with numbers and should contain “Applications of Differentiation- Related Rates” expressions according to your application with explanation.

8) Share and submit your project on Google classroom to your math teacher.