Were average unique pageviews statistically higher in September or October?

The goal is to answer the following questions utilizing the T-Test, ANOVA, and Regression techniques we have studied in class over the last several classes. For EACH question below, complete the following:

  • Create a new worksheet labeled with the question number – use this worksheet for the next four steps for this question
  • On that worksheet, state the null and alternative hypothesis that would properly answer the question
  • State the appropriate statistical analysis that would test those hypotheses
  • Run the proper analysis (including any potential data manipulations you may need for the analysis. Copy over the data even if you don’t need to manipulate it in any way so that way you can do the analysis on that worksheet)
  • Interpret the results of the analysis to make sense of the hypotheses and answer the question (meaning, provide a plain English explanation of what the results mean as if you had to explain it to a manager)


  1. Were average unique pageviews statistically higher in September or October?
  2. Was average time on page in seconds statistically higher in September or October?
  3. In October, which pages had a statistically higher average % exit? Pages with average time on page above 60 seconds or pages with average time on page below 60 seconds?
  4. In October, which group of pages had the highest average page value? Pages with entrances above 50, pages with entrances between 15 and 49, pages with entrances between 5 and 14, or pages with entrances between 0 and 4?
  5. Using all of the available data for October, what metrics are statistically useful for predicting, or have a relationship with, October Page Values?