In which situation is Sal better off? In terms of consumers’ surplus which situation do people in LA prefer and which do people in NY prefer? Why?

Problem 1. 6.8 from Cabral: Sal’s satellite company broadcasts
TV to subscribers in LA and NY. Demand functions are

where Q is in thousands of subscriptions per year and P is the

subscription price per year.

The cost of providing Q units of servi
ce is given by

where Q= Q
What are the profitmaximizing prices and quantities for
the NY and LA markets?

As a consequence of a new satellite that the Pentagon
developed, subscribers in LA are now able to get the NY

and vice versa so Sal can charge only a single
price. What is the profit
maximizing single price that he
should charge?

In which situation is Sal better off? In terms of
consumers’ surplus which situation do people in LA prefer

and which do people in NY
prefer? Why?
2. 6.10 from Cabral: SpokenWord: Your software company
has just completed the first version of Spoken Word, a voice

activated word processor. As marketing manager, you have to

decide on the pricing of the new software. You commissioned a

study to determine the potential demand for Spoke
nWord. From
this study, you know that there are essentially two market

segments of equal size, professionals and students
(one million
each). Professionals would be willing to pay up to $400 and

students up to $100 for the full version of the
software. A
substantially scaled
down version of the software would be worth
$50 to students and worthless to professional
s. It is equally
costly to sell any version. In fact, other than the initial

development costs, production costs are zero. Although yo
u know
there are two market segments, you cannot directly identify a

consumer as belonging to a specific market segment.
(a) What are the optimal prices for each version of the

Suppose that, instead of the scaled
down version, the firm sells
an int
ermediate version that is valued at $200 by professionals
and $75 by students.

What are the optimal prices for each version of the
software? Is the firm better off by selling the

intermediate version instead of the scaled