How is HGT different from vertical gene transfer? In what type of organism is HGT common? In what types of organisms is complete HGT uncommon?

Based on the videos you watched in the seventh lecture, please answer the following questions. Use complete sentences and answer in detail. Please submit your answers as a single pdf or word doc. Make sure you include your name, date, and section number of BI101 in which you are enrolled on your assignment. Please remember to use your own words, don’t just cut and paste.

1. According to the first video, how does evolution occur? Describe in your own words how mutations and natural selection help drive this process, including the concept of fitness. In what way did the color of the frogs help some survive? What was the change in the frog population referred to as? According to the video, how does antibiotic resistance relate to evolution?

2. In your own words, describe the four different types of evidence for evolution found in the second video. Focusing on the examples found in the video, explain how each type of evidence is used in the study of evolution.

3. According to the third video, what are the distant ancestors of birds? Describe how the fossil record is used in the video to create links between modern birds and their ancestors. What specific structures are found in both birds and their ancestors? How have they diverged from their ancestors?

4. Using the two animals and one plant described in the fourth video, explain how allopatric and sympatric speciation works and how the two processes are alike or different. Is one pathway more likely in plants or animals? If so, why?

5. According to the fifth video, what is a hybrid zone and where does it occur? What can happen within a hybrid zone? How can this affect the rate of speciation?

6. According to the seventh video, how does evolution affect the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium? What conditions must be met for the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium to exist? How are the frequencies of homozygous dominant, heterozygous, and homozygous recessive used in the equation?

7. Using some of the specific examples found in the eighth video, explain in your own words the mechanisms of directional, stabilizing, disruptive, sexual, and artificial selection. How do these processes affect the direction of evolution?

8. Using some of the specific examples found in the tenth video, explain the idea of genetic drift, including how the bottleneck effect and founder’s effect work. What are some of the mechanisms that can lead to the bottleneck effect or the founder’s effect?

9. According to the eleventh video, what group is at the base of the phylogenetic tree? What are the three members of this group? What group is at the top? Using the video, make a list of all the groupings, from largest and most inclusive to smallest and most…specific. Describe the four Kingdoms and explain what makes them different in relation to obtaining energy.

10. After watching the final video, describe horizontal gene transfer in your own words. How is HGT different from vertical gene transfer? In what type of organism is HGT common? In what types of organisms is complete HGT uncommon? Does HGT ever occur in humans? If so, what would be the effects if HGT occurred in human gametes?3pages