4-5 pages; use the citation method of your choice (e.g., APA, MLA, etc.)
Re-read Brian Fay’s “Verstehen and the Reaction against Positivism” and write a paper that addresses the following:
- What is the difference between the kind of social scientific explanation sought by the positivists (quantitative account) and the social scientific explanations sought by the verstehen theorists (qualitative account)? Illustrate these differences.
- What is wrong with the accounts of verstehen theory as described in section II of Fay’s paper?
- Turning to section IV of Fay’s paper, describe in your own words what Fay takes the problem with verstehen theory to be (beginning with “But the analogy…” and ending with “…verstehen within them” (36-37).
- Attempt to defend the verstehen theory against Fay’s criticism (even if you agree with the criticism).