In what ways were the early English settlements in Virginia and Massachusetts similar and/or different?

TASK 1: Review Chapter Two of The American Yawp and the lecture PowerPoints on early Virginia and New England.

TASK 2: Post a 400- to 500-word response to the discussion question: In what ways were the early English settlements in Virginia and Massachusetts similar and/or different?

A. Paragraph One (150-200 words): Describe the features and development of one the two colonies listed above. NOTE: In this paragraph, describe the basic features of either Virginia or Massachusetts. BE SPECIFIC: describe two specific details (key people, events, socioeconomic developments, etc.) that explain the early history of one of the three colonies above.

B. Paragraph Two (150-200 words): Describe the features and development of the second colony (the one not described in paragraph one). Again, BE SPECIFIC: describe two specific details (key people, events, socioeconomic developments, etc.) that explain the second colony.

C. Paragraph Three (100-150 words): Write a short paragraph that compares and/or contrasts the two colonies. In what ways were the two colonies similar? In what ways were the two colonies different?

D. Include one short quotation—and corresponding citation—from The American Yawp in one of the three paragraphs. Your citation should be an MLA-style parenthetical citations that includes “Locke and Wright” (the last names of the editors of the book) and the inclusive page number(s). For instance, if you’re reading the online version of the textbook without page numbers, your citation should look like this: (Locke and Wright). If you’re reading the PDF version with page numbers your citation should look like this (Locke and Wright 32) or (Locke and Wright 32-33).