How Can the Science of Human Behavior Help Us Understand Abu Ghraib?

How Can the Science of Human Behavior Help Us Understand Abu Ghraib?

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Comments delivered by Steven J. Breckler, PhD
APA Executive Director for Science
APA-Sponsored Congressional Science Briefing
“Psychological Science and Abu Ghraib”
Thursday, June 10, 2004
106 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC


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Extended commentary by Peter Kinderman

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Writing Assignment:

For the purposes of this assignment, construct a well-written one-page response analyzing (not summarizing) the articles.

These critical responses should address the following:

  • Discuss how you feel about the issues raised
  • Could it be argued that it was the situation that caused the US army to act in such a way, or do you think it was a personality trait of the soldiers involved?

Format Please make you thoughts clear and concise. A well written paper shall include a strong connection to the article. Please include several “I, Me and My” statements, along with your personal opinion or response to the articles. You must properly cite the article in an APA format as a source at the end of your paper on a works cited page. You must also include a title page at the beginning. The title page will have; the title of the assignment, your name, the class, the section number, the date and your instructors name centered on the page.