What do you make of Plutarch’s letter to his wife? What factors do you think could be

Emotion in the Ancient Greek World
Journal Entry: Grief and Sadness
Use the following questions to guide your journal entry. You don’t have to answer every question – they are just meant as prompts and guides, and perhaps you’ll have a lot to say about only one or two. Whichever way you approach it, just make sure you reach the
200-word limit. (You can go over by 25 words but try to keep it close.


Citations: remember to provide book and line numbers to specific examples you reference. This looks like: (Sophocles, Ajax 347-353); however, the copy of the play in All That You’ve Seen Here Is God (ordered for this course) doesn’t have line numbers, so page
numbers are fine in this case if you’re using that copy. If you’re using a copy with line numbers, be sure to include them.


Consolation to this Wife by Plutarch

What do you make of Plutarch’s letter to his wife? What factors do you think could be

motivating his advice to her?

Is there a possible dangerous side to grief? Explain.

Is grief a particularly “embodied” emotion? Explain.

Do you have any observations or reflections on grief and sadness in the other readings for this unit?