Put your writing into your own words, do not copy directly from the source. If you incorporate external resources (http://gmcga.libguides.com/periodicals) in your posts be sure to cite (https://gmcga.libguides.com/citationmanagement/APA7th) them properly. Lastly, review how to paraphrase and quote resources before you begin posting (http://gmcga.libguides.com/c.php?g=458&p=996448).
Please complete Chapter 6, Section 6.12 “Programming Activity 2: Using for Loops” from the textbook. Once you have completed it, please answer the following questions:
1) Why is the looping logic important in programming?
2) What is the difference between event-controlled loops and counting loops? Please provide examples.
3) What advice or code can you provide to help other students with this activity?
4) Can we replace a while loop with a for loop?