Explain what data fields are relevant and how the data fields can be used to answer the business question


Question 1
You are to analyse a dataset Retail_ TMA.xlsx to answer the following questions. In the real world of data analysis, when you are not querying the database directly and data is provided to you, it is essential to evaluate the data and ask pertinent questions about the data quality. It enables us to confirm the validity of any insights drawn from the data. The provided dataset contains transaction records from an online retailer. Each record represents a transaction involving a unique product (Product Code) and a specific customer (Customer ID) on a certain day (Receipt Date). The Quantity displays the total number of units sold, and the Price displays the Product Code unit price. There may be more than one Product Code in a Receipt. Location is a representation of the customer’s country, and Description is a description of the product. Download the dataset “Retail_ TMA.xlsx” from Canvas and answer the following questions. You may use any software tool (such as Excel, PowerBI, etc.) to produce the chart(s) and table(s).
(a) Identify one (1) business question statement that can be answered by analysing the dataset Retail_ TMA.xlsx. Your description should clearly explain what data fields are relevant and how the data fields can be used to answer the business question. (Up to 150 words for part (a))(15 marks)
(b) Create a summary of the dataset Retail_ TMA.xlsx in tabular format. You should identify each data field’s type (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio), examine individual variables, and calculate summary measures when applicable. (Up to 200 words for part (b))

(15 marks)

(c) Prepare the dataset Retail_ TMA.xlsx in a form suitable for analysis by fixing the data
issues and errors with explanation and justification of necessary data transformations.
Illustrate any necessary data preparation with example screenshot(s). (Up to 200 words
for part (c))

(28 marks)

(d) Employ two (2) graphical charts and one (1) pivot table to present the key features of the
data variables or to explore the relationship among the variables in the dataset
Restaurant_Grades.xlsx. You may use any software tool (such as Excel, PowerBI, etc.)
to produce the proposed graphical charts and the pivot table. Provide a screenshot of each
produced chart/pivot table. Use up to 250 words to explain how the charts and the pivot
table are created and discuss why the charts and the pivot table are recommended.

(22 marks